How to Make Giving to Charity Flexible and Responsive - Advise Us Foundation

How to Make Giving to Charity Flexible and Responsive

How to Make Giving to Charity Flexible and Responsive

Don’t have time now? Do it later. Something came up and you want to give now? Go ahead. Do you have a foundation or a charitable trust and want additional flexibility? You can have it.

Donor-advised funds offer donors like you great options!

Giving to Your Donor-Advised Fund and Getting More for Charity

You can make a gift to your donor-advised fund when it works for you. Make gifts of appreciated assets, employee bonuses, or proceeds from business sales when it’s most convenient and when you want to take a charitable deduction that year.

Donor-advised funds help maximize your donations to charity through favorable tax treatment. You can deduct up to 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) for cash gifts and up to 30% of AGI for gifts of appreciated securities held at least a year. That means you can have more money to give to the charities you care most about.

Making Grant Advisements to Charity

Then you can advise grants. Your options? Give to any of more than one million IRS qualified 501(c)3 charities whenever you want. When can you give to charities? Now and in future years. How can you give? You can give now or schedule your charitable donations.

Pre-scheduling one-time or recurring donations with a donor-advised fund is easy, popular and a huge opportunity to save your time!

Using Donor-Advised Funds Along with Private Foundations and Charitable Trusts

Many people have a donor-advised fund as a compliment to their existing foundation or charitable trust. Donor-advised funds also work well with checkbook giving, estate planning and IRA disbursements.

Donor-advised funds can offer greater flexibility in giving to your favorite charitable causes.

Some donors switch to donor-advised funds exclusively as a replacement for foundations and trusts. Donor-advised funds have low administrative costs and don’t require additional tax forms, paid staff or consultants. They offer a great option for reducing your administrative time and paperwork in making charitable donations.

Looking for a low cost charitable giving option that offers great financial and tax benefits? Donor-advised funds may work well for you!


Andrew Hibel serves as President and is the Founder of The Advise Us Fund. He is also Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of HigherEdJobs. Andrew holds a B.A. in Economics and a M.Ed. from the University of Illinois, and a J.D. from Indiana University, Indianapolis. He has been a planned giving officer for Penn State University and Advocate Charitable Foundation and served as Director of Gift Planning and Estate Administration for the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.

The information in this blog post is general and educational. It is not intended nor should it be construed as legal, tax, investing or financial advice. Individuals should consult with their own advisor about charitable giving arrangements The Advise Us Fund® may describe.