Advise Us: A Catalyst for Sustaining Philanthropy and Mission - Advise Us Foundation

Advise Us: A Catalyst for Sustaining Philanthropy and Mission

Advise Us: A Catalyst for Sustaining Philanthropy and Mission

Catalyst:  (noun)  A person or thing that precipitates an event.

The Advise Us Foundation is a nonprofit working as a catalyst to philanthropic giving for individuals and fellow nonprofits.

As an organization that advances philanthropy, Advise Us is helping to change the world we live in by catalyzing donors’ intentions into support of non-profits’ important missions.

From its earliest days, Advise Us has offered donor-advised fund giving to individuals to help them plan their philanthropic donations and legacies while at the same time take advantage of tax incentives that maximize philanthropic impact.

Individuals are able to create or add to a charitable fund based on when it is a good time for them to give.  They, in turn, can grant money out from their fund as donations to nonprofit organizations at any time they wish.  Through the inspired generosity of those taking advantage of this charitable giving tool, the Advise Us Foundation has granted gifts to numerous organizations from the smallest start-ups to large educational institutions.

Advise Us is also a catalyst for other charitable organizations by enabling them to create and use expanded giving options for their donors.

The staff and volunteers of Advise Us have collectively decades of fundraising experience with a concentration on planned giving.  Working in partnership with organizations to offer hands-on tactical advise and services affords these organizations the ability to increase their fundraising capabilities thereby increasing their mission-based impact for generations to come.

The Advise Us Foundation also offers other means of direct support to the charitable community through educational seminars.  With a special focus on small and medium-sized charities, our free educational outreach emphasizes simple fundraising techniques that will help organizations reach the next level.

When intentions meet ability real change can happen.  The Advise Us Foundation’s mission is to help catalyze this change for individuals and other nonprofits alike to continue improving our world both today and well into the future.